Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Political Clout vs. Moral Clout

Politically, today began another 4 years with the government officials (federal, state and local) that were elected or re-elected yesterday at the polls.
Here are the "results" (no pun intended) of my pondering this morning.....

#1 - God has given our government His authority. (Take a few minutes of your your Bible,  Romans the 13th chapter.  Paul speaks about this matter in a clear and concise way.
The purpose of the government is to assist us in our living; to reward the good and punish those who do evil.
It is therefore my obligation as a Christian, a follower of Christ, to have a attitude of cooperation, submission and reverence regardless of political party affiliation.  All human authority is delegated to men - by God.

#2 - Christianity, it seems, has become much more intent upon producing Christian leaders than it is in producing Christian followers.  Jesus disciples had issues with position, power and prestige but if you will remember - Jesus constantly talked to them about subordination and service.  Jesus talked most about being followers and disciples.  The Christian movement seems to be more aggressive in attempting to influence government and legislation than ever before, yet it almost would appear that we are actually less effective than previous times.

#3 - Political clout vs. moral clout...... Christians need to stop focusing so much on mustering up votes and gaining political clout.  We need to pray that God will give us moral clout.  I am often reminded of Billy Graham - for example.  He is and has been consistently sought out by Presidents and other powerful, world renown political figures.  Do you think it's because he can control votes?  No, I believe it is because the leaders that know Billy Graham is submissive and obedient to God, to His Word and to the government.

So........the election is over......what's next?
                                              PRAY     for     America!  
Stop trying so hard to have "political clout" as a Christian.  Be a Christian - love your neighbor, share the good news of God - with "moral clout".