Why do humans make things so complicated?
In our "spiritual" lives also, .....we tend to "over-analyze." We feel the need to fully understand it all. We feel we "have to know everything." Be reminded - it is a journey, it is a process. Study and meditate, yes...but we need to TRUST. Following is a wonderful illustration of this I'd like to share....
"It was told about a Sunday School teacher who decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible: Psalm 23. The teacher gave the children one month to learn and memorize the entire chapter.
However, there was one little boy who was very excited about the challenge presented, but he just could not remember - Psalm 23. He practiced faithfully, but when it came time to recite it aloud he could barely get past the first line.
On the important day the class was scheduled to appear before the entire church congregation, this little lad was determined to be brave. He shook off his nervousness and stepped up to the microphone when it was his turn.
"The Lord is my Shepherd, " he said............."And that is all I need to know."