Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Be An Advocate - and Be Radical

The definition of ........      ad·vo·cate:
1 -recommend or support something: to support or speak in favor of something
2 - somebody giving support: somebody who supports or speaks in favor of something
3 - helper: somebody who acts or intercedes on behalf of another
1- one that pleads the cause of another; specifically : one that pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court
2 - one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal
3 -one that supports or promotes the interests of another


I am on a roll today........and my word is "advocate".
I feel like we as American citizens are just sitting back and letting life go by; complaining as we're rockin'.
Every day each of us are waking up to a government (locally and federally) that is striping and undermining our freedoms and our rights.   I'm sure you feel the same....Absolutely nothing surprises me anymore.  Unfortunately, because we are no longer moved with much emotion we are becoming very complacent.
Just look around you.... right now.....your immediate circle, your local community, your state and on a major scale, your federal government and globally.   We all want to "do something" about the ridiculous, daily changes, but......we continue on...ever so quietly with our lives.
I firmly believe that it is time for  EVERYONE  to become an advocate......for something...or someone!  We can begin with our own families.  Our elders, our parents need an advocate.  Their issues range from healthcare to taxes, Social Security, and so on.  Some of our children may or may not need an advocate.  Again, their issues often include healthcare, social injustice, school, relationships and much more.  Outside of your family - support, defend or promote something.  I'm cautious about using the term "cause" as many individuals associate it with someone being "radical".   Yet....let's examine the definition of "radical".


- basic: relating to or affecting the basic nature or most important features of something

2- pervasive: far-reaching, searching, or thoroughgoing
3-favoring major changes: favoring or making economic, political, or social changes of a sweeping or extreme nature

For purposes of this blog, we'll use definition #3.   Wouldn't you agree..........not only does every American citizen need to become an advocate......we need to become radical about that which we have carefully chosen to support.

On a local or state level, become an advocate for the commercial fisherman, for the farmer, the small business owner,  for the school system, (both private and public) and yes, even the local churches; no matter the denomination.  Take back control of your communities!  Be aggressive with tackling crime whether it is drugs, domestic violence or animal abuse.  Teach the young children how to love one another, earn and demand respect and most of all, invite God back into every aspect of our lives.  
                                                          Get radical!

To be an advocate on the federal level many times begins at or on the local level.  The opportunities to let your voice be heard are unlimited.  When Congress, the Legislators and the Administration in-charge proposes or passes law(s) that you know are wrong, and go against that which our Nation was founded upon, then speak up, pick up the phone, email.....whatever - but, be heard!

EVERYONE  reading this.....become an advocate.  Don't just sit by and complain about how things are declining and changing.  Get radical!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Make A Difference...Hug


It's wondrous what a hug can do.
A hug can cheer you when you're blue.
A hug can say, "I love you so," or,
"Oh, I hate to see you go!"

A hug is "Welcome back again!"
"Great to see you!" or "Where've you been?"
A hug can soothe a small child's pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.

The hug!  There's just no doubt about it,
We scarcely could survive without it.
A hug delights and warms and charms,
It must be why God gave us arms.

Hugs are great for fathers and mothers,
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.
The chances are some favorite aunts
Love them more than potted plants.

Kittens crave them.  Puppies love them.
Heads of state are not above them.
A hug can break the language barrier,
And make the dullest day seem merrier

No need to fret about the store of 'em,
The more you give, the more there are of 'em.
So stretch those arms without delay
And give someone a hug today.

_Dean Walley -

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Cherokee Legend - Two Wolves

Two Wolves

An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life.
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, 
greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment,
inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other wolf is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope,
serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy,
generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then
asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

A Cherokee Legend

Drop A Pebble in the Water

Drop a pebble in the water;
just a splash and it is gone;
But there's half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on.
Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea.
And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be.

Drop a pebble in the water; in a minute you forget,
But there's little waves a flowing, and there's ripples circling yet,
And those little waves a-flowing to a great big wave have grown;
You've disturbed a might river just by dropping in a stone.

Drop an unkind word, or careless; in a minute is is gone;
But there's half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on.
They keep spreading, spreading, spreading from the center as they go,
And there is no way to stop them, once you've started them to flow.

Drop a word of cheer and kindness; just a flash and it is gone;
But there's half-a-hundred ripple circling on and on and on,
Bearing hope and joy and comfort on each splashing, dashing wave
Till you wouldn't believe the volume of the one kind word you gave.

Drop a word of cheer and kindness; in a minute you forget;
But there's gladness still a-swelling, and there's joy a -circling yet,
And you've rolled a wave of comfort whose sweet music can be heard
Over miles and miles of water just by dropping one kind word.

-James William Foley -