Monday, October 24, 2016

Praying Together

When people begin praying together, to our Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus, things do happen, things begin to change.
Changes take place not when we talk about it or memorize Scripture verses or even have Bible studies on prayer.  But, when we actually PRAY things begin to happen.

Matthew 18:20New King James Version (NKJV)                                                                           "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

A person does not have to pray aloud.  You may wish to pray silently.  The sincerity of your heart is what God hears.  God speaks to you during silent times as well.  Focus on Almighty God and not yourself.  He will give you the words to say. 

Some benefits from praying together are: 
1. Praying together, collectively more prayers are prayed.  Each of us has a unique way of praying and praying together brings a new voice to the need presented.
2. Praying together gives a deep feeling of belonging.  As part of a group, you may feel that you are a necessary part of a greater purpose......and you are!
3. Praying together improves your mood.  Looking out among others and feeling their love and care regardless of how you feel when you began, leaves you feeling comforted. 
4. Praying together opens your heart to the needs of the people around you.
God is always with us, whether we pray together or pray alone.  Some say they feel His presence most strongly when praying with others.  
Lifting one another in prayer is one of the richest experiences we can share.  
            Together, we are strengthened and blessed!