"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Many of you reading this today are hurting. Some of you are hurting mentally and some physically. Some of you who are "believers" are having a difficult time understanding the "why's" of your circumstance.
Please be reminded…...God never said that we would not experience pain and hurt while residing on this earth. But, He did tell us He would always be there with us. When Jesus left this earth and went back to Heaven He left us the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter in the midst of hard times.
Today I encourage you to lay your hurting hearts at the feet of Jesus. Trust Him! I urge you to dry your tears, rise up and walk forward in the strength of Christ. Be confident and know that He is in control,,,,although you may not see or feel it this moment.
Be assured that no matter how tragic your situation or circumstance, God can turn the tide of your suffering.
The tide may have knocked you down, but,
you can and will get back up!
One final thought…….
Whatever type of difficulty or crisis is manifesting itself in your life, before it ever surfaced, God made sure you'd be able to endure it.
Did you know that other people have gone through exactly what you're going through….and made it through?
God promised a way of escape so that you could bear it and have strength to endure..
(1 Corinthians 10:13)
Just remember - Satan does not want you to know that there is a way out. Therefore, he will keep antagonizing you.
Let that be your indication......the way out is just about to be revealed!
Isn't that great news?