Thursday, March 15, 2018

Life Is Like The Game Of Basketball

Basketball is an awesome game! 
It is a game with many life -altering lessons.... a game that bonds. In fact, basketball still bonds our family together. Basketball is a lifestyle that creates fun, enthusiasm, toughness, resilience, and teamwork. It is a game that demands perseverance, focus, respect and dedication.

In life as in basketball, sometimes it is easy to be discouraged and focus on our "failed attempts". We are hard on ourselves. Though we missed/miss many shots, the ultimate goal is “winning”. However, it is important to understand that the journey towards that goal is where you will learn the most.... and hopefully experience profound enjoyment.
So, "the rules" are simple....
work together, stay focused, 
be prepared and always give your best effort!

Sometimes, the game of basketball and life will be smooth and easy, but more than you'd like, it will be difficult, challenging and discouraging.
But, you'll always have family!
You will always have loyal fans and supporters.... and yes, you will have your fair share of critical observers. 

It is during the difficult times and during "failed attempts" that our true character is developed. Always stay prepared for the "unfair whistle" and the "bad call"... that takes the ball out of your hands. Stay disciplined, get up and play tough defense, gather your "teammates"/your tribe and move forward with unity.
Keep in mind there is a always a "second half" to play.

When the "final buzzer" sounds, you will know that winning was the goal, but the journey was most important.