Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Internet For Christ

Never underestimate the power of the internet 
("worldwide web")
 for reaching the masses with the love of Jesus!

Whether you eat or drink [or Twitter, or Facebook, Instagram, FB Live, Pinterest, Podcast, Blogging - etc.], 
    or "whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”
                                  (1 Corinthians 10:31). 
Each media outlet is unique and different, and the audiences vary from close friends to global coverage.

              Friends, this amazing access 
is the biggest 
and most diverse mission field ever!  

People from every continent, every age group, both genders, diverse economic and cultural backgrounds, are logging in to the internet and these outlets on a continual basis.  

It really is quite moving and exciting to see how God can/is using people from behind the computer screen to witness and affect the life of another human being from across the world or right in their hometown.

Minimize Self

 Maximize God
