Wednesday, November 6, 2019

God Has Called

God has called us to "action". 

"Living" for Christ is not getting for ourselves but, 

His work, "being" His hands and feet, for others!

We aren't to live in a bubble of Christianity, 

stirring up emotions of feel good goose bumps and petitioning God for His blessings. 

Pop that bubble! 
Get out and "go" in to the real world 

and "be" a blessing! 
Not "what can you receive" but - what can you 
"give or share" with others, 
for Him.

 God will abundantly bless you with more 
than you could ever begin to imagine!

God, The Refiner

God - the Refiner!

"Do you feel like fuel has been added to fire in your life?

Be advised

God is working to reveal Jesus in and through you.  

Be encouraged!  


When a refiner purifies gold, he melts it in a pot over a fire. He keeps turning up the heat until the dross, or impurities, rise to the surface. He then bends over the gold to skim off the dross and continues doing so, until he can see his face reflected in the surface of the liquid gold.

Gold refined in the fire is a meaningful visual of how God refines us. (Malachi 3:2-3)

So, when God, the Refiner turns up the heat, we need to fix our eyes on Him, totally trusting Him to know exactly what He’s doing!


Prayer: May it be that our faith would be purified, God would be glorified, and Jesus be magnified through every step we take on our journey, until the Refiner sees His own reflection mirrored in our life."


The above words were compiled from Anne Graham Lotz