Sunday, May 17, 2020

The New Testament Church

We are the church
no matter
where we worship!

Have you ever wondered... why would the thing we call "church" be something where we don't interact and know each other?
"In major cities as well as rural areas, a unique kind of church life is peeking through like the fresh growth of new crops pressing through the surface of the soil".

You may have heard or read of terms like simple church, mini church, missional church, house church and more.  This is not a new idea or a new trend. This is a picture of community...the New Testament Church in Acts 2:42-47.

For the sake of this blog, we will refer our interest in this phenomenon as House Church.  Historically, the House Church is the biblical church.  Today, people of all ages are hungry for community and relationships.  They are yearning for participation and empowerment.  House Churches provide the ideal setting to cultivate devotion to evangelism, learning the Word of God, discipleship, prayer, sharing and life together.  Based on the description of the church in 1 Corinthians and Ephesians, we see people contributing their spiritual gifts and interacting together.

House Churches are intentionally simple.  
They are small.
They are volunteer led and informal.  

No, House Churches are not recognized and embraced by the mainstream of organized religion nor do we expect authentication from the them.  Many pastors and leaders are threatened by the idea with hesitations and reasonings of their own. 
House Churches may not be for everyone.                      Let's preserve the old wineskins and birth new ones.

We feel that God is calling His church back to apply the values and ministry practices that were found in the New Testament.  House-to-House ministry today will look different of course but, the same principles apply.

    We need to be making disciples 
who will also make disciples.

House Churches are spiritual families 
encountering God together 
and impacting their communities.