Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Holiday - Purim


During the Hebrew month of Adar (March) Queen Esther helped save her people, the Jewish people from their enemies.  When this was complete they rested and set aside a day of feasting and joy.  This was on the 14th day.  (This year - 2012 it begins at sunset, March 7th and will continue until sunset March 8th.)
King Mordecai at the time declared that "these days be celebrated annually to not only remember the relief they received from their enemies but to remember when their sorrow was turned into joy and their mourning into a day of celebration."  He wrote them to not only observe the days with feasting and joy but to give gifts of food to one another and to the poor.  This custom was called PURIM from the root word pur....(when the high priests would cast lots - see The Book of Esther.)
Just as other special, "appointed" times,  Esther 9:28 (NIV) states, "These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family, and in every province and in every city.  And these days of Purim should never cease to be celebrated by the Jews, nor should the memory of them die out among their descendants."
So - Happy Purim to all!  As you celebrate and reflect today, be reminded as we wrote in our post yesterday - that God is in control at all times.  Believe today that just as He performed a miracle for the Jews back then, He is still the same God and He can work a miracle on your behalf today.  My God is King of the Jews and the Lord God of Israel.  Personally, as a Christian I don't believe we should pick and choose what we wish to observe from The Bible, the anointed Word of God.  Sadly, from the beginning of Christianity theologians such as Martin Luther did not like The Book of Esther among other things.  Therefore the importance of our Jewish roots has not been passed down through the generations.  But, again, as stated in yesterdays post, God is revealing truth to us in these days unlike we have never seen before.  Isn't this exciting?
And - one final note.......John 8:32 (NIV)
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
You hear people say all the time - "the truth will set you free."  No.  The scripture says that
                                                THE TRUTH THAT YOU KNOW
will set you free.  It makes a difference, right?  So, read The Book of Esther and the story of Purim.  YOU will know the truth.  This will turn your sorrow into joy and your mourning into celebration.
                                                               Be free!  God bless!

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