Monday, May 7, 2012


In his book, "Simple Faith", Charles R. Swindoll beautifully writes......
"Live one day at a time.  You've heard it before: Don't contaminate today by corrupting it with tomorrow's troubles.  Refuse - - yes, refuse - - to allow tomorrow's lagoon of worries to drain into today's lake.  Today is challenge enough!  And since you will need fresh energy and new insight to handle what tomorrow throws at you, wait until it dawns before taking it on.  Some of the things you do today may seem totally insignificant so far as tomorrow is concerned, but stay at it.  Keep life simple!  Do what you have to do today and, to your surprise, it may make an enormous difference in the world you wake up to tomorrow.  And while I'm tossing out all this advice, never underestimate the importance of even the most menial of tasks you carry out each day.  Don't think that some slight contribution you make on a given day is not worth the effort.....or won't make any difference tomorrow."

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