Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Do You Measure Success?

This is my sermon for the day......While running in the race of life and on our personal track of success, we as humans have to work very hard and not look at and measure the success of others.  Sometimes we become "side-tracked",  judge others and measure how far we feel they have come.  But, the success of other people has absolutely nothing to do with our success!  Our success is not measured by the words of others nor what other people accomplish.
Each one of us possess extra ordinary potential and the only thing that matters while running this race is that we give our abilities and our talents - our very best.  We are not competing with anyone else in this life!  Shrug off the tendency you might have to compare yourself to anyone else.  Just don't do it!
Some of you might not remember the late actor Henry Fonda but, once he said that "a thoroughbred horse never looks at the other race horses.  It just concentrates on running the fastest race it can." 
    Seriously - do you want to Make A Difference in your life?
              Do you want true happiness and success? 
    Then, stop measuring your success in life against that of others.                             
                               Compete only with yourself!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Country Wisdom

**  When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

**  Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.

**  Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled.

**  You can't unsay a cruel thing.

**  Don't skinny dip with snapping turtles.

**  Most of the stuff people worry about never happen.

**  Man is the only critter who feels the need to label things as flowers or weeds.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Your Car Window Is Not A Trash Can

I'll start out with a POSITIVE note here......
Today as I was coming down a country side road I came upon a man on a bicycle who was stopping often, dismounting and collecting tin cans into a grocery sack.  This touched my heart!  I know that in today's economy financial times are difficult.   This man may or may not have been enduring hard times but one thing was for sure...this man was not lazy.  He was doing what he had to do in order to earn some additional income.  What a refreshing change from our society's average attitude of "entitlement."  I asked God to bless the man and grant him success with his endeavor.
However, as I drove on I sadly took note.......there were a lot of cans littered along the road.  I had to chuckle a bit because I had just asked God to bless the hard working man, but the sight of litter was unacceptable.

  Keeping America Beautiful has always been a passion of mine.

 I do not have tolerance for people who choose to litter.  It is not only unsightly, it is not good for our environment.  I do not understand anyone throwing anything out a car or truck window down a country  road, on the beach or a major highway.  How hard is it to throw it in the back seat or on the floor and then clean your vehicle out when you get home?
Are we educating our children about what happens to the environment when someone throws soda or beer cans out the window or leave it at their beach site?  Wouldn't it be nice if the food industry would join us all is this educational message?  Have you ever seen a major celebrity, musician or even a video game tell our children - and adults - not to litter?

         Let's all get aboard - pass it on - educate 
                                                                 Don't litter!

What else can we do?
#1 - Business establishments can help spread the word by providing trashcans in their parking lots.
Yes, it takes a bit of thankless effort and may entail a small additional cost, but what an impact this would be.  As employees are trained for their duties and office meetings are held, everyone should be encouraged to make a difference in our earth - our paradise.  As consumers, make sure businesses that participate are given public service awards.
#2 - With regards to the fast food industry...let's start an awareness of over-packing...which translates into excess litter and trash.  I have actually seen sandwiches wrapped - then put in a box - and then put into a bag.  Then - the customer eats the food - in the car - in the parking lot.  How wasteful!

These are just some thoughts to ponder.  Basically, it all comes down to EDUCATION.  
                      Spread the word - it is not smart to litter. 
 It is quite the opposite.

 I'm going to have a new bumper sticker printed that reads: 
                                                   Your car window is not a trash can!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Beat The Brain Drain

I published this article several years ago on a website I had at the time...................

Studies show that staying mentally and physically active may help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.  Research also suggests that POSITIVE and mental expectations can boost your immunity when you're sick.  Did you know that the way in which your body works has a lot to do with your brain?  
         So, what is the prescription for a sound mind?  
Start by introducing some of these steps into your daily routine.
                      Challenge your mind!
                           Have fun!
What can you do?
**Read - Make a point to read more.  Watch Tv and stay on the computer less.  Reading significantly enhances cognitive ability.  

**Be Social - Maintain a cherished circle of friends and family. Conversation forces you to think about interesting topics.  It will boost your mood and help keep the mind engaged.

**Stop and Smell the Flowers - Did you know that aromas induce a POSITIVE mood, which lowers stress and keeps you sharp?  In a recent health update in Self magazine, Alan R. Hersh, MD, neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago stated that people who sniff floral scents are 17% quicker on mental tasks than those who don't.
**Write - Express your feelings.  Write things down.  Journaling helps relieve your mind of stress and helps you feel more focused.  So, before your head hits the pillow at night, release your joys and concerns onto paper.
**Sleep On It - Your brain is very active when you are sleeping. Scientists believe that when you are sleeping your brain is organizing the information you acquire when you were awake.  Remember.....8 hours is the magic number when it comes to matter who you are or what your age!
**Listen To Music...and Dance - This offers many healthy benefits, including concentration skills.  Dancing is challenging.  Dancers learn to think quickly on their felt.  Music is relaxing and wipes worries away from your mind.  Certain songs evoke emotion.  This triggers the brain to recall and retain more memories.

START TODAY!  Give yourself a brain boost, a mental work-out.  Age-proof your mind.  Stay sharp.  Exercise and challenge your mind.

And personally.................I hope you DANCE.

Today - Make A Difference in yourself.  Beat the brain drain!