Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Do You Measure Success?

This is my sermon for the day......While running in the race of life and on our personal track of success, we as humans have to work very hard and not look at and measure the success of others.  Sometimes we become "side-tracked",  judge others and measure how far we feel they have come.  But, the success of other people has absolutely nothing to do with our success!  Our success is not measured by the words of others nor what other people accomplish.
Each one of us possess extra ordinary potential and the only thing that matters while running this race is that we give our abilities and our talents - our very best.  We are not competing with anyone else in this life!  Shrug off the tendency you might have to compare yourself to anyone else.  Just don't do it!
Some of you might not remember the late actor Henry Fonda but, once he said that "a thoroughbred horse never looks at the other race horses.  It just concentrates on running the fastest race it can." 
    Seriously - do you want to Make A Difference in your life?
              Do you want true happiness and success? 
    Then, stop measuring your success in life against that of others.                             
                               Compete only with yourself!

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