Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Brisk Morning Walk


A brisk morning walk, allows you to be, all that you can be.
It causes you to look at things in a way so differently.
You observe much closer the smaller things that many times go unnoticed;
the things that we would appreciate most, if only we took the motions.

A brisk morning walk gets your heart and your soul up pumping.
Your mind begins to clear of all the noise and mumbling.
You get time to spend alone with yourself and your God that comes so scarcely.
These are the times that you will cherish most, both in near and distant reverie.

A brisk morning walk begins the day with a brighter can-do attitude.
Even though you may be tired and grouchy, it can turn into an excellent mood.
It's hard to not stop and pat the head of a puppy, or say good morning to a stranger.
Somehow it brings the "humanity" back and takes away some of the danger.

A brisk morning walk has affected and changed many a life I'm sure.
It has kept many walking and strengthened others wounded and maybe even been a cure.
Your lungs can't help but to breathe in deeply, the wondrous breath of life.
Your heart will pump strong and steady while oxygenating your body with less strife.

A brisk morning walk can renew a body, old and tired and worn.
The walk can do so much good, and change an attitude of scorn.
If people would park and walk instead of driving, no matter how hard it seems to be,
we wouldn't have an epidemic of overeaters and the diseases it causes to many.

A brisk morning walk can start your day off in a positive way.
It's good to take a little more time to get to where you're going.
We miss so much for so little time captured that passes on fleetingly.
Sometimes we may even get there sooner as we plod along consistently.

A brisk morning walk can bring a pleasant surprise if you stop for a cup of coffee.
You might see old friends stopping there too, and you can talk together softly.
But then it's off again to finish up the walk you'll come to treasure.
As time goes on more good will come as the inches grow less you'll have to measure.

A brisk morning walk is a wonderful gift from God that many persons miss.
Be sure to take your opportunity to open up your present that so freely gives.
A gift of life, breath, and appreciation for nature and others is what you will receive.
You've got to take personally the first step in receiving; on faith first, later believing.
Author - B.J. Olvera

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