Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fantasy Church?

Do you like the game of football?  Are you a NFL fan?  Do you play fantasy football?


There seems to be another popular game very similar......Fantasy church.

The goal of a real football game is to score points and win real games.  In fantasy football you get points for the statistics in a virtual world.
A fantasy church is where people find themselves rooting for things that are of a virtual world; things that will pass away.  A fantasy church is more about prestige, notoriety, or having a reputation about having events that are trendy and cool.
Yes, if the end result of a churches presentations, the attendance contests or the contemporary music is yielding eternal results, God be praised.
But, the "GOAL" of real church is about scoring points for the real thing - the eternal Kingdom of God.
          We must never lose sight of spiritual growth and caring about lives being transformed!
                 Become a fan of The Kingdom of God.....let's win souls for Jesus Christ!

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