Saturday, January 6, 2018

Sometimes Being Family Means..........

Sometimes being family
means more than just smiles
and good times.

It means caring for each other
and building bridges of trust...

It means not being afraid
 to ask and answer
difficult questions...

It means accepting one another
for what we are...

It means pulling together
when things get rough,
Knowing that love will be there
no matter what.

Author Unknown


By Dolly Parton-Carl Perkins


When it's family, you forgive them
for they know not what they do.
When it's family, you accept them, 'cause 
you have no choice but to.
When it's family, they're a mirror of the
worst and best in you.
And they always put you to the test and you
always try to do your best,
And just pray for God to do the rest,
When it's family.

Some are preachers, some are gay,
some are addicts, drunks and strays,
but not a one is turned away,
When it's family.

Some are luck, others ain't,
 Some are fighters, others faint.
Winners, losers, sinners, saints,
It's all family.

When it's family you trust them and your heart's an open door.
When it's family, you tolerate what you'd kill others for.
When it's family, you love and hate and
take, then give some more.
Somehow you justify mistakes, try to find some better way
to solve the problems day to day, 
In the family.

You take the trouble as it comes and 
love them more than anyone.
Good or bad or indifferent, 
it's still family.
You choose your lovers, you pick your friends
not the family that you're in.
They'll be with you 'til the end,
'cause it's family.

and when it's family, you forgive them for they
know not what they do.
When it's family, they're a mirror of the 
worst and best in you.
When it's family, when it's family,
Let me be all that I should be to the family.

Social Media - Traveling The New Highway


When Jesus was leaving this earth He commanded His disciples to spread the gospel around the world.     Mark 16:15 "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

The ancient Roman roads started around 500 B.C. and spanned more than 250,000 miles.    They enabled both their empire to grow and the gospel to advance rapidly.   Fast forward ...... today's Roman roads are the Internet, smartphones, tablets, and social media.   While the ancient roads connected hundreds of towns and cities, the new roads connect millions of homes and individuals.    The new roads are ready for travel and technology has changed the game.  In the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg and Martin Luther both wanted to get Scripture into the hands of the masses. Centuries later, now in a new millennium technologies far exceed any they could have imagined.  Not only do billions around the world now have access to the Bible online, and not only are many of them actually reading it, they're also actively engaging with the Word of God and with one another.   While the message of the Gospel has not changed, the delivery of it has.     No longer do we ask the question, "How many Bibles do you own?" but, "How accessible is the Bible to various formats?"   On your bookshelves you may have 3 hard copies but your smartphone may hold 400+ versions.   Johannes Gutenberg and Martin Luther called the printing press "God's highest … act of grace, whereby the business of the gospel is driven forward."  I wonder what they would think of computers and iPhones?    


We are living in a time when technology is emerging faster than the church can comprehend, balance, or integrate.  A 2012 statistic (it's now 2017) states that the first and last thing most people do every day– 80% of people between the age of 18 and 44, is check their phones. When they want to know an answer to a question, they use Google to find the answer. Scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds has become a regular fixture of leisurely activity.   Technology in evangelism started with the printing press, then the radio, next television, and now to the Internet to reach people for Christ like we’ve never been able to reach them before.  Just look at the amazing advances in information and the technological changes we’ve witnessed in just the last few years!  Technology has advanced to the point where we can literally reach across the entire world. As a matter of fact, Billy Graham’s last crusade was broadcast through the Internet and radio literally to every country on the planet. He had more people with the potential to listen to that crusade than any time in human history. It is my personal belief that in this end time; the age in which we are living, the Lord is giving the Church as an institution and His people the means to fulfill the need - go out and reach people for Christ using the new technologies that are at our disposal.             
When I look at the statistics for this blog, as well as another blog  (anointed sermons by the former Rev. David A. Raynor Sr.) we know the truth.  We have people literally all over the world coming in and checking out the Gospel message that we’ve put just on these two websites alone.  You must keep in mind that the main reason people go on these platforms is to gain knowledge, whether they want to learn what their friends or other people are posting, watch a video or to interact with their favorite brands or personalities.  We as Christians have something to share just like everyone else who goes on these platforms! Don't you agree?  However, the church should always remain focused on the primary calling but social media can certainly help spread The Word. Remember, it is our mission to give hope and advance the Kingdom of God. Many people are starving for an encouraging or hope filled word. Let's give them something to hear about Jesus that will point them in the right direction and potentially change their lives forever.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer” (Psalms 19:14).

A Letter From Grandma

Dear Grandchild,

I have become a little older since I saw you last, and a few changes have come into my life since then.  Frankly, I have become a frivolous old gal.  I am seeing five gentlemen every day.  As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me get out of bed.

Then I go to see John.

Then Charlie Horse comes along, and when he is here he takes a lot of my time and attention.

When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day.  He doesn't like to stay in one place very long, so he takes me from joint to joint.  

After such a busy day, I'm really tired and glad to go to bed with Ben Gay.

What a life!  Oh yes, I'm also flirting with Al Zymer.

The Pursuit To Live With Intention

Each and every day there are a myriad of choices that present themselves to challenge us in our pursuit of living a more simple, fulfilling and enriched life.

The world in which we live is in a crisis!  It is broken and inhospitable.
We are in an age of cynicism and doubt.  Good morals and values have seemingly disappeared.
The "name of the game" for many years has been "if it feels good, do it" or the attitude of "I can do it if I want's my life."  Sadly, this lack of restraint is the American view of freedom.  Our souls are suffering from malnutrition.  Much of the world is in disarray and languishing.  People with a kind and loving heart are rare.
Technology and our "gadgets" of today offer "the key to unparalleled productivity" yet, at the end of the day many people are totally exhausted and require assistance from the pharmacetical industry to unwind and get some sleep.  Our society resembles human drones; we're moving to and from like ants and robots.  Yet, humanities ego has spiraled out of control.  On and on...........

                                                             Get the picture?

Ask my life really better than my ancestor's was, just because I am reading this article with a laptop or "smart"-phone rather than a pen soaked in black ink?  
Aren't wars, massacres, repression, hunger and suffering still existing?  
Am I really free in this "pile-up" in the express lane of life?  (Don't you ever wish you could just enjoy, linger a bit and make time last longer?)  
Why am I experiencing loneliness even in the midst of all my various "connecting"? 
It seems like I more worried about not putting junk food in to your body than I am about putting junk food in to your soul.  Why is this so?

So, is there a true and Biblical solution to all of the above? 

Yes, there are magazines and countless books - along with pictures - that give advice on how to live a simple life, a less chaotic life.  
  Butonly God's Word holds the solutions.  

I admonish you today to get aggressive and be urgent about your pursuit for the simple, peaceful, contented and God fearing life.  
**Catch the vision......and drop the obsession to be so busy.  Abandon the distractions of your endeavors, breath and become fully engaged and focused on your "intentional", edited life.

I encourage you to identify and define the borders that will bring you to a place of safety, contentment, calmness, peace and true love.  Boundaries guard your goals!  

God's Word - The Bible is full of wisdom and guidance from our Creator.

I encourage you each and every day to make conscious, value based choices.  Take charge of your life and learn to manage your priorities based on your faith based values. 
Today, I challenge you to uncluttered your heart.  Discover the true core values of your heart. 
Demolish the divide and resistance.  Long for rootedness, comfort and belonging.  Practice empathy. 

Don't get lost in the whirl of instant gratification, "urgent" notifications, political hatred, etc. 
Make your priorities about things that truly matter.  
Slow down .......and above all else, communicate with your Heavenly Father and LISTEN for His counsel. 



Quote - "By slowing down or simplifying our life we are not talking about being less productive, nor rejecting the whole of this material world, but about being more effective, balanced, and doing what we do with much greater care, which includes the exercise of the moral imperatives that God has laid down for us."

The moments, minutes, hours and days you experience ARE your life.
Your life is in the making of the moments!

Design a life that is unpretentious in nature and as it's greatest possesion your relationship with Him.

When we are encumbered by material things and entrapped by the expectations of family, friends, and society, we will find it easier to give ourselves totally to God and doing His will.  We will be free from the things that hinder us from following Christ wholeheartedly.

Let's uncluttered our lives and live simply......but with the maximum!

Change Your Solution

Try this experiment......

Collect several little sticks.  Tie them together.

Now, try to break the bundle with your bare hands.

No matter how strong you think you are, it will be a tough job.

Make a smaller bundle, say 25, and it will still be difficult to break.


if you take just ONE at a time, no matter how weak you are,
you will be able to break each single one.

You are exactly the same person
 who tried to handle all of the sticks together.


this time you changed your way of solving the problem 
and it became much easier.

The moral of this experiment is.....

Sticks in a bundle can’t be broken but sticks taken singly can be easily broken. 
Same applies to people.

There is strength in union!