Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Evangelism and Discipleship

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Evangelism and Discipleship


Disclaimer.....No - I'm not being critical.  
But, sharing some disturbing observations......
#1 - Is it just me ........or does it seem that Christians and churches have become a little too focused on "you come" to us instead of "we go"?
#2 - "political correctness" has entered the ranks of the believers.  Christians are backing away from sharing the truth of the gospel for fear they will "offend" others.  Unlike the examples of Jesus on this earth, they aren't getting out, into their local neighborhoods and communities to befriend or mingle with the non-Christian.  "It's more comfortable."

For "my own" personal spiritual growth and maturity, the quest is in full swing for more knowledge and understanding about discipleship as well as encouragement and studies about evangelism.  Discipleship literally means "the state of learning".  
Christian discipleship simply means to follow and learn from Jesus.
Sadly, I am encountering the Christians of today/the Church seemingly to preoccupied with their own "needs" and desires rather than reaching outside of their homes or brick and mortar buildings (their comfort zones) to reach the lost souls as was commanded by Jesus.  Whether "The Great Commission" existed or not, wouldn't the very fact that Jesus loved us so much that He died for us, be enough, that we "wanted" to share this exciting and life changing news with everyone we encountered?  Have we lost our first love?  
Instead, personal activities, meetings and programs fill their calendars, as they become apathetic with no sense of urgency regarding the lostness of humanity without Christ.  
The emphasis appears to be more about connecting with each other or patting each others back for volunteering during Vacation Bible School.  Again, I'm not saying these things are wrong or not needed.  But, the emphasis should be about "going" and "sharing" the Gospel message......as Christ taught us.  He did not say, "When you have time, or when it's convenient".

Let's examine what Jesus has to say.....
First of all, did you know that Jesus commanded us to "make disciples", not "be disciples"?
Nowhere in the Scripture did Jesus tell us to go and make converts.  
Matthew 28:18-20
"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
Jesus told His disciples to baptize (convert)  AND "teach others" to observe all things that He had commanded.  (The Greek word for "teach" in this passage is the translated "disciple".)  Disciples are followers of Christ.  In other words, Jesus told His disciples to teach their disciples everything that He first taught them.  
I am so thankful that Jesus is thorough!  He goes further and explains what is involved in making disciples: "baptizing them and teaching them".  
When we share the Good News (evangelism is rooted in the Greek word euaggelion, meaning good news) and we ask people to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, we need to "teach" them that this is a total commitment of one's life to the Lord. We need to let them know that they are becoming (a continual progress) a disciple of Jesus. 

What is a disciple?  The standard definition of disciple is someone who adheres to the teachings of another....a follower or a learner.  Applied to Jesus, a disciple is someone who learns from Him - to live like Him in every single way.                           

In the Gospel of John we have a helpful picture of what it's like to be a disciple of Jesus.
Jesus says to His disciples (John 20:21 and John 17:18) "As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you".   Jesus's disciples are on a mission.

The Great Commission is an "outward" movement. 
We can not stay in our comfort zones! 
We need to get the focus off of ourselves 
and place it on Christ and others.

So, it makes sense then that "making disciples" involves evangelism.  Again, when Jesus talks about baptizing them, He is talking about conversions.  He's talking about being God's instruments in bringing people from the place of unbelief to surrendering their lives.  It is the beginning of the discipleship process.  Evangelism is the foundation!
The follow-up, is teaching.  It is taking someone who has placed their trust in Jesus and leading them in whole life modeling, how to walk in obedience to all that Jesus commanded, all leading to growth and spiritual maturity....a life-long process.  We do not graduate until we get to Heaven.  

Every Christian should be helping unbelievers become believers by showing them Christ; that is, making a disciple. 
Every Christian should be helping other believers grow to more and more maturity; that is, making a disciple. 
Every Christian should be seeking to get help for themselves from other disciples to keep on growing and maturing; that is, our discipleship. 

A disciple of Jesus makes disciples of Jesus. 

If you want to be a God-pleaser, share the gospel. 
You may die doing it, but what an honor to pay such a price!



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