Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Our First Recipe Box

Remember back in the day when there was no internet? 
We used to collect recipes by taking them out of magazines - or better yet, we shared recipes and passed them down through the generations.

Oh what memories ! 

Our first recipe box.........


Look how the paper on some of the recipes is actually turning brown. 

The Peanut Butter Bars has an adorable story….

We had just gotten married....(back in the early 70's)
Mike was on his way into work listening to the radio. The DJ's at the time were talking about this recipe one of their wives had made.  It sounded really good to Mike.   He stopped the car, grabbed a nearby piece of paper and wrote it down. 
When Mike arrived home that evening he was so proud as he handed the receipt to me.
You know men…"I got this for you." 
We both loved the recipe and have cherished this piece of paper and the recipe ....for many years now.
The Coconut Pie was "one" of Mike's favorite pies back then so I made sure I received the recipe from his Mother. His Grandmother Lucy and he were very fond of one another.  ( My hand writing was so nice. )


My Father - Rev. David A. Raynor, Sr. made this Watermelon Rind Preserves 
just about every summer.  As a child my siblings and I looked forward to this special treat.
Later, our children loved them as well.   
The handwriting for this recipe is my Mothers (Louise Raynor). 
The reverse side of this card has a recipe for Watermelon Candy .


Mike's Mother -"Grandma Janet'" (Janet Gray Gaskins) , as well as his Grandmother Lucy have a recipe for Pineapple Icing  that was and is prepared, literally thousands of times!  The following recipe is in her handwriting. 
Awesome and easy.



Well, today, the Lemon Condensed Pie remains Mike's most favored dessert. 
Lemon Condensed Pie. No one could/can - or will, top how it tasted when "Grandma Lucy" made it….with love.


Inherited and handwritten recipes.......what a blessing!

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