Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Psalm 23:1-6
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoints my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

What a perfect picture of contentment!  It is also about the wonderful dynamics of a relationship between a Shepherd and His sheep.  What does the shepherd provide for the sheep?  Satisfaction......contentment.

Contentment doesn't mean that in life we won't or don't have desires for additional commodities or better relationships.  It means that those desires don't manage and control our lives.  In Psalm 23, the psalmist David tells us that although sheep sometimes wander, they never intentionally run away but they are completely satisfied in the care and protection (the rod and staff) of their shepherd.  "He maketh me to lie down in green patters; he leadeth me beside the still (quiet) waters.  He restoreth my soul..."  Contentment.  The psalmist also tells us that God had made him so secure that he can fearlessly walk through the shadow of death and dine in the presence of his enemies.   David is content and refers to his life as an overflowing cup.

The Lord is my Shepherd!

To be content is to be satisfied with God.

For more great words -

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vitamin "C's"

Courtesy - Do you treat others as you would like to be treated?  When dealing with others do you try to understand where they are coming from and what problems they may be facing?  Be courteous!
Another one of my courtesy "pet peeves" is Thank You notes.  For some unknown reason people have forgotten how to use them.  When people are kind enough to give you a gift;  Christmas, birthday, graduation, whatever - send a thank you note!  It takes 2 minutes.  If you are invited to a party, a shower, a wedding, etc. - RSVP.          Being courteous is contagious.         Try it.

Communication -  Seriously, clear communicate helps life go so much smoother.  Say what you mean and do what you say you'll do.  Talk.  However  - "Knowledge knows what to say, but wisdom knows what not to say."    Know fact from gossip.    If you feel someone is gossiping to you, ask the person, "May I quote you on this?" You'll be surprised how this will shut down the false tales.

Consistency - con·sis·ten·cy
 [ kən sístənssee ]   
  1. constancy: the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation
  2. coherence: reasonable or logical harmony between parts
  3. degree of thickness or smoothness: the degree of thickness or smoothness of a mixture
Synonyms: constancy, steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability, regularity, dependability
Never let yourself become complacent!
Everyday when you awaken, make it a mental challenge to be consistent.  Develop a personality in which your actions - and your reactions remain consistent.  As people approach you, do you really want them thinking, " wonder what type of mood you'll be in today?"

Compete -  When it comes to life, be like a golfer... "you can only hit the shot that's in front of you."
Great competitors are always looking for ways to win.  If you are not a competitor then most likely you
are the opposite.....a complainer.   Stop complaining and compete.  You can't control everything in life and complaining does not change a situation.  Stop whining! 
 Become a winner!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If I Be Lifted Up

I love those nights when God awakens me so that I may communicate with Him in a special way.  Last night was one of those uplifting occasions.  His words to me were....

"If "I" be "lifted" "up" - "I" "will" draw all men unto me."  

These words are not unusual or foreign to a Christian believer but God spoke these words over and over to me and I felt compelled to repeat them over and over within my spirit.  It seemed that God was emphasizing each and every word - wanting me to understand their meaning and purpose.   
Today it is my desire to expound upon my experience last evening and share what I feel God was trying to communicate with me.

 Let's start with some definitions (Merriam-Webster dictionary)......
Lifted - (verb) "to raise from a lower to a higher position (elevate)"
                       "to raise in rank or condition"
                       "to take out of normal setting"

Up -  "in or into a higher position"
         "in or into a greater state of intensity or excitement"
         "in a direction conventionally opposite of down"

One of my irritants or frustrations of life is "me" people......people who think and act like the world should and does revolve around them.  It's all about "me"....what about "me", etc.
Everyone knows someone with a "all about me" personality.  Those that I am acquainted with have been on my mind of late and God knows the extent to which it bothers me; particularly when an individual claims to be a follower of Christ and is supposed to be living a life of good example.  Last night in particular, hours earlier, I had asked for wisdom and strength; help to relinquish this person(s) over to God.  Life is too short for dealing with negative and selfish people!


In answering my prayers, God confirmed that indeed "He" is what life is all about.  
"He" is helping me understand that my life must focus completely on this..... that as I "lift" Him "up"- "He" will bring/draw others to Him.  Forget about the "me" people.  They are accountable for their words and actions.....(.as we all are).

 Our words, our actions are to elevate Jesus Christ and His love for us.  

I can not adequately describe the LOVE of God.  It is something that must be experienced.  Also, God's LOVE must be shared with others - in action.  For this to be accomplished "me" must get out of the way - and God be raised into a higher position.  When Christ is lifted up - "He" "will" draw all men unto Him.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Every Day - Make A Difference

Every year we have 525,600 minutes to "Make A Difference."  


Does that sound like a lot of time?  It really isn't.  Time seems to be flying by and it appears that more people waste or misuse these valuable minutes.  Are you using your time as wisely as possible?  

There are little things that everyone can do every single day - 60 minutes per hour - that will make a huge impact on our world and those people with whom we come in contact with.

I will list a few of my favorite, but please take a few minutes and add some ideas of your own.  Then, strive to use your time more effectively.  

#1 - Volunteer.  Your help is needed.  Contact The Red Cross, a nearby animal shelter, your local church, nursing homes, etc.  The list of facilities and available opportunities are endless.

#2 - Go Green.  It's important to acknowledge Earth Day, but treat our earth kindly every day....after all - it is the only one we have. Stop wasting space in our landfills!  Recycle and re-use every chance you have.  Use glass, stainless steel or aluminum instead of plastic for your beverages.

#3 - Think and Speak - Positive.  How you think ultimately reflects in your speech.  These words have a direct influence and "Make A Difference" whether they be Positive - or negative.  Learn and practice a Positive way of living.


#4 - Engage yourself and encourage others on a journey to Health and Wellness.  We must take care of ourselves by eating correctly, taking supplements and drinking plenty of water.  Develop good habits and enjoy a hobby.  Gardening or walking are good starters.  

#5 - Keep America Beautiful.  Help Clean Up!  When you are in a parking lot at Walmart, when you're at the beach, out walking the dog - whatever the situation is.......if you see some trash - PICK IT UP.   

We ALL can Make A Difference - Every Day!