Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vitamin "C's"

Courtesy - Do you treat others as you would like to be treated?  When dealing with others do you try to understand where they are coming from and what problems they may be facing?  Be courteous!
Another one of my courtesy "pet peeves" is Thank You notes.  For some unknown reason people have forgotten how to use them.  When people are kind enough to give you a gift;  Christmas, birthday, graduation, whatever - send a thank you note!  It takes 2 minutes.  If you are invited to a party, a shower, a wedding, etc. - RSVP.          Being courteous is contagious.         Try it.

Communication -  Seriously, clear communicate helps life go so much smoother.  Say what you mean and do what you say you'll do.  Talk.  However  - "Knowledge knows what to say, but wisdom knows what not to say."    Know fact from gossip.    If you feel someone is gossiping to you, ask the person, "May I quote you on this?" You'll be surprised how this will shut down the false tales.

Consistency - con·sis·ten·cy
 [ kən sístənssee ]   
  1. constancy: the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation
  2. coherence: reasonable or logical harmony between parts
  3. degree of thickness or smoothness: the degree of thickness or smoothness of a mixture
Synonyms: constancy, steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability, regularity, dependability
Never let yourself become complacent!
Everyday when you awaken, make it a mental challenge to be consistent.  Develop a personality in which your actions - and your reactions remain consistent.  As people approach you, do you really want them thinking, " wonder what type of mood you'll be in today?"

Compete -  When it comes to life, be like a golfer... "you can only hit the shot that's in front of you."
Great competitors are always looking for ways to win.  If you are not a competitor then most likely you
are the opposite.....a complainer.   Stop complaining and compete.  You can't control everything in life and complaining does not change a situation.  Stop whining! 
 Become a winner!


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