Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If I Be Lifted Up

I love those nights when God awakens me so that I may communicate with Him in a special way.  Last night was one of those uplifting occasions.  His words to me were....

"If "I" be "lifted" "up" - "I" "will" draw all men unto me."  

These words are not unusual or foreign to a Christian believer but God spoke these words over and over to me and I felt compelled to repeat them over and over within my spirit.  It seemed that God was emphasizing each and every word - wanting me to understand their meaning and purpose.   
Today it is my desire to expound upon my experience last evening and share what I feel God was trying to communicate with me.

 Let's start with some definitions (Merriam-Webster dictionary)......
Lifted - (verb) "to raise from a lower to a higher position (elevate)"
                       "to raise in rank or condition"
                       "to take out of normal setting"

Up -  "in or into a higher position"
         "in or into a greater state of intensity or excitement"
         "in a direction conventionally opposite of down"

One of my irritants or frustrations of life is "me" people......people who think and act like the world should and does revolve around them.  It's all about "me"....what about "me", etc.
Everyone knows someone with a "all about me" personality.  Those that I am acquainted with have been on my mind of late and God knows the extent to which it bothers me; particularly when an individual claims to be a follower of Christ and is supposed to be living a life of good example.  Last night in particular, hours earlier, I had asked for wisdom and strength; help to relinquish this person(s) over to God.  Life is too short for dealing with negative and selfish people!


In answering my prayers, God confirmed that indeed "He" is what life is all about.  
"He" is helping me understand that my life must focus completely on this..... that as I "lift" Him "up"- "He" will bring/draw others to Him.  Forget about the "me" people.  They are accountable for their words and actions.....(.as we all are).

 Our words, our actions are to elevate Jesus Christ and His love for us.  

I can not adequately describe the LOVE of God.  It is something that must be experienced.  Also, God's LOVE must be shared with others - in action.  For this to be accomplished "me" must get out of the way - and God be raised into a higher position.  When Christ is lifted up - "He" "will" draw all men unto Him.

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