Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Every Day - Make A Difference

Every year we have 525,600 minutes to "Make A Difference."  


Does that sound like a lot of time?  It really isn't.  Time seems to be flying by and it appears that more people waste or misuse these valuable minutes.  Are you using your time as wisely as possible?  

There are little things that everyone can do every single day - 60 minutes per hour - that will make a huge impact on our world and those people with whom we come in contact with.

I will list a few of my favorite, but please take a few minutes and add some ideas of your own.  Then, strive to use your time more effectively.  

#1 - Volunteer.  Your help is needed.  Contact The Red Cross, a nearby animal shelter, your local church, nursing homes, etc.  The list of facilities and available opportunities are endless.

#2 - Go Green.  It's important to acknowledge Earth Day, but treat our earth kindly every day....after all - it is the only one we have. Stop wasting space in our landfills!  Recycle and re-use every chance you have.  Use glass, stainless steel or aluminum instead of plastic for your beverages.

#3 - Think and Speak - Positive.  How you think ultimately reflects in your speech.  These words have a direct influence and "Make A Difference" whether they be Positive - or negative.  Learn and practice a Positive way of living.


#4 - Engage yourself and encourage others on a journey to Health and Wellness.  We must take care of ourselves by eating correctly, taking supplements and drinking plenty of water.  Develop good habits and enjoy a hobby.  Gardening or walking are good starters.  

#5 - Keep America Beautiful.  Help Clean Up!  When you are in a parking lot at Walmart, when you're at the beach, out walking the dog - whatever the situation is.......if you see some trash - PICK IT UP.   

We ALL can Make A Difference - Every Day!

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