Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feliz Navidad

It is so strange how some things happen in your life..................
I had just finished thinking and discussing the topic "JOY - Jesus, Others and You",  saying
                                            "Life is not about you."

So - it's now the dinner hour.  My husband, whom has a cold requested Chicken Noodle soup.  He does not taste anything nor can he smell food.  As I take the can of soup from the pantry, I needed to verify whether or not it was "condensed".  To my amazement, Campbell's had changed the label.  It was now written in English - and another language, which I am assuming was Spanish.  Normally I don't think twice about directions being written in multiple languages. It really is a common practice in the 21st century.  I just wasn't expecting it on a soup can - and to be honest........I guess I just wasn't in the proper mindset.  Although I had spent the better part of the afternoon bringing Christmas decorations up from the basement I apparently failed to find the "JOY".

A few minutes later while waiting for my husband's arrival I picked up and started to read a Christmas book - titled, "A Season For Joy."  This was among the Christmas decor that I had been unpacking earlier.   Perfect - a subject on JOY.  Well, guess what was the title of the first chapter?
Feliz Navidad.   I couldn't believe I said to myself - "What on earth?  Am I in America?"

However - God is good.  Right at this instance as I was feeling disgruntled about not understanding another language the thought, strongly clutched my spirit....."Life is not just about you.".....remember?

God reminded me that the Good News of this Christmas season and beyond must be communicated to people of all races, all languages, in all parts of the world.  Why would I ever think that English was the only language understood.  I felt so selfish and embarrassed for myself.  No, Life is not just about me!...........
               Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas                                Happy New Year!       

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Political Clout vs. Moral Clout

Politically, today began another 4 years with the government officials (federal, state and local) that were elected or re-elected yesterday at the polls.
Here are the "results" (no pun intended) of my pondering this morning.....

#1 - God has given our government His authority. (Take a few minutes of your your Bible,  Romans the 13th chapter.  Paul speaks about this matter in a clear and concise way.
The purpose of the government is to assist us in our living; to reward the good and punish those who do evil.
It is therefore my obligation as a Christian, a follower of Christ, to have a attitude of cooperation, submission and reverence regardless of political party affiliation.  All human authority is delegated to men - by God.

#2 - Christianity, it seems, has become much more intent upon producing Christian leaders than it is in producing Christian followers.  Jesus disciples had issues with position, power and prestige but if you will remember - Jesus constantly talked to them about subordination and service.  Jesus talked most about being followers and disciples.  The Christian movement seems to be more aggressive in attempting to influence government and legislation than ever before, yet it almost would appear that we are actually less effective than previous times.

#3 - Political clout vs. moral clout...... Christians need to stop focusing so much on mustering up votes and gaining political clout.  We need to pray that God will give us moral clout.  I am often reminded of Billy Graham - for example.  He is and has been consistently sought out by Presidents and other powerful, world renown political figures.  Do you think it's because he can control votes?  No, I believe it is because the leaders that know Billy Graham is submissive and obedient to God, to His Word and to the government.

So........the election is over......what's next?
                                              PRAY     for     America!  
Stop trying so hard to have "political clout" as a Christian.  Be a Christian - love your neighbor, share the good news of God - with "moral clout".

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Two Boxes That Will Make A Difference

Two Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes,
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black, 
And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes
Both my joys and sorrows I stored,
But though the gold became heavier each day,
The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black;
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,
Which sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused aloud,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be."
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me."

I asked, "God, why give me the boxes,
Why the gold, and the black with the hole?"
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."

Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Do You Measure Success?

This is my sermon for the day......While running in the race of life and on our personal track of success, we as humans have to work very hard and not look at and measure the success of others.  Sometimes we become "side-tracked",  judge others and measure how far we feel they have come.  But, the success of other people has absolutely nothing to do with our success!  Our success is not measured by the words of others nor what other people accomplish.
Each one of us possess extra ordinary potential and the only thing that matters while running this race is that we give our abilities and our talents - our very best.  We are not competing with anyone else in this life!  Shrug off the tendency you might have to compare yourself to anyone else.  Just don't do it!
Some of you might not remember the late actor Henry Fonda but, once he said that "a thoroughbred horse never looks at the other race horses.  It just concentrates on running the fastest race it can." 
    Seriously - do you want to Make A Difference in your life?
              Do you want true happiness and success? 
    Then, stop measuring your success in life against that of others.                             
                               Compete only with yourself!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Country Wisdom

**  When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

**  Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.

**  Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled.

**  You can't unsay a cruel thing.

**  Don't skinny dip with snapping turtles.

**  Most of the stuff people worry about never happen.

**  Man is the only critter who feels the need to label things as flowers or weeds.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Your Car Window Is Not A Trash Can

I'll start out with a POSITIVE note here......
Today as I was coming down a country side road I came upon a man on a bicycle who was stopping often, dismounting and collecting tin cans into a grocery sack.  This touched my heart!  I know that in today's economy financial times are difficult.   This man may or may not have been enduring hard times but one thing was for sure...this man was not lazy.  He was doing what he had to do in order to earn some additional income.  What a refreshing change from our society's average attitude of "entitlement."  I asked God to bless the man and grant him success with his endeavor.
However, as I drove on I sadly took note.......there were a lot of cans littered along the road.  I had to chuckle a bit because I had just asked God to bless the hard working man, but the sight of litter was unacceptable.

  Keeping America Beautiful has always been a passion of mine.

 I do not have tolerance for people who choose to litter.  It is not only unsightly, it is not good for our environment.  I do not understand anyone throwing anything out a car or truck window down a country  road, on the beach or a major highway.  How hard is it to throw it in the back seat or on the floor and then clean your vehicle out when you get home?
Are we educating our children about what happens to the environment when someone throws soda or beer cans out the window or leave it at their beach site?  Wouldn't it be nice if the food industry would join us all is this educational message?  Have you ever seen a major celebrity, musician or even a video game tell our children - and adults - not to litter?

         Let's all get aboard - pass it on - educate 
                                                                 Don't litter!

What else can we do?
#1 - Business establishments can help spread the word by providing trashcans in their parking lots.
Yes, it takes a bit of thankless effort and may entail a small additional cost, but what an impact this would be.  As employees are trained for their duties and office meetings are held, everyone should be encouraged to make a difference in our earth - our paradise.  As consumers, make sure businesses that participate are given public service awards.
#2 - With regards to the fast food industry...let's start an awareness of over-packing...which translates into excess litter and trash.  I have actually seen sandwiches wrapped - then put in a box - and then put into a bag.  Then - the customer eats the food - in the car - in the parking lot.  How wasteful!

These are just some thoughts to ponder.  Basically, it all comes down to EDUCATION.  
                      Spread the word - it is not smart to litter. 
 It is quite the opposite.

 I'm going to have a new bumper sticker printed that reads: 
                                                   Your car window is not a trash can!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Beat The Brain Drain

I published this article several years ago on a website I had at the time...................

Studies show that staying mentally and physically active may help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.  Research also suggests that POSITIVE and mental expectations can boost your immunity when you're sick.  Did you know that the way in which your body works has a lot to do with your brain?  
         So, what is the prescription for a sound mind?  
Start by introducing some of these steps into your daily routine.
                      Challenge your mind!
                           Have fun!
What can you do?
**Read - Make a point to read more.  Watch Tv and stay on the computer less.  Reading significantly enhances cognitive ability.  

**Be Social - Maintain a cherished circle of friends and family. Conversation forces you to think about interesting topics.  It will boost your mood and help keep the mind engaged.

**Stop and Smell the Flowers - Did you know that aromas induce a POSITIVE mood, which lowers stress and keeps you sharp?  In a recent health update in Self magazine, Alan R. Hersh, MD, neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago stated that people who sniff floral scents are 17% quicker on mental tasks than those who don't.
**Write - Express your feelings.  Write things down.  Journaling helps relieve your mind of stress and helps you feel more focused.  So, before your head hits the pillow at night, release your joys and concerns onto paper.
**Sleep On It - Your brain is very active when you are sleeping. Scientists believe that when you are sleeping your brain is organizing the information you acquire when you were awake.  Remember.....8 hours is the magic number when it comes to matter who you are or what your age!
**Listen To Music...and Dance - This offers many healthy benefits, including concentration skills.  Dancing is challenging.  Dancers learn to think quickly on their felt.  Music is relaxing and wipes worries away from your mind.  Certain songs evoke emotion.  This triggers the brain to recall and retain more memories.

START TODAY!  Give yourself a brain boost, a mental work-out.  Age-proof your mind.  Stay sharp.  Exercise and challenge your mind.

And personally.................I hope you DANCE.

Today - Make A Difference in yourself.  Beat the brain drain!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Amazing Revelation - It Made A Difference!

On a daily basis I stand amazed at how awesome God is.


For some of you reading this, you may not be a believer or a follower of Christ.  You may not relate to what I'm about to say - but, please just hear me out.  Okay?   I love it when situations in life unfold the way they have in the past few weeks.  Sometimes in life, circumstances or situations give us little understanding or clarity.   However, today, God brought understanding to our home about His plan and purpose with regards to a recent life changing decision we had made.  He brought true peace!

My husband and I are approaching the retirement phase of our lives.  For years we have planned "our" dream retirement and spent countless hours researching the best locations for settling down.  Several months ago, suddenly (it seemed), out of the clear blue we mutually began to  "feel" that God was asking us to relocate to another destination.  Now granted, this other location would be considered paradise for some other retiring couple but for the two of us, this particular retirement area was the last place in the world that (we felt) would bring us peace and tranquility.  There was no debating; more con's than pro's.  We were always firmly in agreement about this "other" location; no way!
As the strange tug in our hearts continued and grew stronger, we began to re-arrange our golden years.  We weren't sure why we were making excuses for changing our minds but we purposed in our hearts and minds that we "could" be happy and that if God wanted us to live there - "everything would be fine and work out."  After all, God knows everything and doesn't need to inform us of His exact plans.   Don't you know that many times God gets a good laugh when He looks down on humans and observes "their" plans?  Don't get me wrong - we still had our doubts and reluctant emotions.......and at times I found myself reacting to this upset apple cart and rearrangement of plans with a not-so good attitude. ( Later I'd have a lot of repenting and soul searching to do.)  My husband was more firm in his belief that this "other" location was NOT where "he" wanted to spend the rest of his life but, he was being his usual kind-hearted self; attempting to assure that my happiness was a first priority.  I love him!

For the sake of time, I will attempt to make this seemingly long story - a bit shorter.  Several days ago, after much prayer and discussion we settled the issue - again.  We are not going to move to "paradise."  We would once again proceed with our original retirement decision location that was made many years ago.   Oh, what peace we felt!
Feeling peace - but, not understanding.  We questioned and wondered why all these back and forth feelings had occurred.   Did we just "think" that God was asking us to relocate to this particular place?  As some Christians would say, "Did we "miss" God's will?" what will people think?  On and on and on....

Today,  clear as a bell - God spoke through His word and spirit -giving us this personal revelation.  (Keep in mind, you may not "interpret" this particular Bible passage as it was given to us - for our present situation,  that's really not the issue.  God speaks to different people in different ways.)

No - we did not miss God's plan for our lives.  He took us through a season of learning, submitting and obedience.  Let me share with you the lesson.
Scripture - Genesis 22: 1-18  (Please read!)
BECAUSE we obeyed God's voice and we said "yes" to His request - to a location that "we" deemed off limits for our golden years,  God was pleased and provided us the opportunity to proceed with a retirement that He knew we desired, longed for and yes, deserved.   God does delight in giving His children the desires of their hearts.  God was testing us.  He wanted to know, "would we truly be willing to relocate to our least desired destination "if" He asked us to?"   Yes, after some struggle and insight we agreed and were willing to take the alternate journey.  In the scriptures mentioned above - just as Abraham was in the conflicting situation with his son Isaac  (Genesis 22)  God was asking my husband and I to truly "trust" Him with our lives.  Obeying God will "Make a Difference."
As Christians we proudly proclaim to each other and the world that we "trust" God with everything and in every situation of our lives,  but - do we really?     Within the past couple of weeks we have been honored with news about another couple within our family that has accepted God's calling to Africa.  We ask ourselves - would we be willing to go to Africa if God asked us to?
 (I sure hope He doesn't ask.  ha!)

Tonight we are thanking God for His wonderful peace that "passes all understanding" and for making known to us the reason and purpose for what we consider a recent testing of our faith.

                                                                  God is good!
  God is amazing! 
 Our God is an awesome God!

Our next step?
We will continue to secure and finalize our retirement plans - our golden years...but, with a new attitude and appreciation for the goodness and faithfulness of our amazing and awesome God.  We will be vigilant and responsive to His voice knowing the reward of obedience.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Doing The Right Thing = Fulfillment


  1. Satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's abilities or character.
  2. The achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted: "winning the championship was the fulfillment of a childhood dream".

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?  Optimists believe that life for the most part is good.  Pessimists, on the other hand, feel and believe that life is mostly bad.  Well, guess what?  Life is both.  In order to find fulfillment in life it is imperative that you embrace this truth.  Why?  Because if you don't accept this as truth then you attitude in life will become apathetic.   Every difficulty that you encounter will be met with an attitude of negativity, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern and despair.  You will experience emptiness.  You might survive, but I can almost guarantee that you won't be successful.

If you examine the lives of successful people you will discover that they always do what is right - no matter how they feel.  They don't worry about what other people say or what other people think.
                              They do the right thing........because it is the right thing to do.
When you do the right thing - you end up feeling good.  You have good self-esteem and personal satisfaction.  God is pleased.
                                      Doing the right thing will give you joy and fulfillment!
                                                      Doing the right thing will make you happy!

On the other hand, if you examine the lives of unsuccessful people you will notice that they wait to feel good before they do what's right.  Consequently, most of the time they usually don't do either.....they don't do what's right and they don't feel good.  Self-esteem for these types of people is very poor.  Also, if you don't do the right thing in your life then you begin to feel that you don't deserve success.  You start to sabotage your own success.

Are you looking for fulfillment in your life?   If so, I challenge you - learn to do the right thing no matter what the situation and no matter how you feel.

                           Choose to do what is right and avoid what is wrong!  

............At the end of the day this will be a determining factor whether or not you feel fulfilled.

For more positive blogging visit.........

Friday, August 24, 2012

Busy Beaver

Do you think that you are busier than most people you know?
And - do you get less sleep than the average person because you are just so busy
doing this and that?

             Well, aren't you just the special "busy beaver!"

Now, hear me out..............
Don't you think that just maybe there is a little pride involved in working more, being busier and getting less sleep than other people that you know and meet?

I'm just saying...................

Think about it.........seriously!
I'll bet you never thought of it that way.  Yes, I just might have a point.  Oh, I'm sure that it is often on an unconscious level but, sometimes "busyness" is due to pride and the need to feel important.

    I'm just saying...................

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What's Your Message?

Everyone has a "message."  We want the world to know.   Granted some people are more passionate about their cause or their message than others, but, the point is - we all want to be heard.

What kind of a message are you sending?  What kind of reputation are you building?  Are you gaining the world's confidence as a person of high integrity, a person of high moral character, etc?  If you are a believer in Christ and proclaim to be a follower of Him, does your message line up with your behavior?

How miserably my attitude in life fails at times!  But -  I am so so grateful for the GRACE of God.  He reels me in and says, "what on earth are you doing?"  ha!   The devil is sly and he has an arsenal of tactics.  Yes, he would like to destroy me, destroy my passion, my energy, would like to give me a rotten attitude and diminish my love and desires for the things of Christ - but - in reality- his goal is to  destroy the message of God.

Today, I have decided to recommit and be revived.  I love God!  I am a vessel of God!   Today, I have been revived with Christ-like passion and energy; to share my revelations of/from God (my message) that will bring glory and honor to Him.   I want my message to the world to reveal the fruit   (Galatians 5:22-23) of the Holy Spirit living within me.  I want to be an example such as God's disciple Paul in Galatians 1: 24 when he said,  "And they glorified God in me."     I want the world to not only hear  the message - but to see that Jesus is real.  I am not giving up on God's plan and purpose for my life!  Satan's tactics of discouragement and trying to place "what if's" in my field of vision have now been destroyed.  He thought I was weak and would believe his lies.
                                      He tried to replace fear with my faith.  Wrong!
                                                           God is greater!
                                                                         God is faithful!

For further inspiration visit

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Wise Woman

Thought I would share this with you..........

For more positive words please visit

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Worth of Your Life

At a motivational seminar not too long ago a well known speaker started off his talk by holding up a $100 bill.  With several hundred people in the room he asked, "Who would like to have this $100 bill?"

Everyone lifted their hands.
He said, "I am going to give this $100 to one of you, but first, let me do this."
The speaker proceeded to crumple up the $100 bill.  Then he asked, "Who still would like this $100 bill?"

Again, all hands present went up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What about if I do this?"
He dropped the $100 bill on the floor and began to grind it with his shoe.
He then pick it up...all crumpled and dirty.  "Do you still want it?"

 Up in air all hands were lifted once again.
"My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson today.  Hopefully it is one that you will never forget.  No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value.  It was still worth $100."
"Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.  We may feel as though we are worthless.  But, no matter what has happened or what will happen in this life, you will never lose your value.  Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless."

The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are.

You are special.
Never forget it!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Psalm 23:1-6
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoints my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

What a perfect picture of contentment!  It is also about the wonderful dynamics of a relationship between a Shepherd and His sheep.  What does the shepherd provide for the sheep?  Satisfaction......contentment.

Contentment doesn't mean that in life we won't or don't have desires for additional commodities or better relationships.  It means that those desires don't manage and control our lives.  In Psalm 23, the psalmist David tells us that although sheep sometimes wander, they never intentionally run away but they are completely satisfied in the care and protection (the rod and staff) of their shepherd.  "He maketh me to lie down in green patters; he leadeth me beside the still (quiet) waters.  He restoreth my soul..."  Contentment.  The psalmist also tells us that God had made him so secure that he can fearlessly walk through the shadow of death and dine in the presence of his enemies.   David is content and refers to his life as an overflowing cup.

The Lord is my Shepherd!

To be content is to be satisfied with God.

For more great words -

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vitamin "C's"

Courtesy - Do you treat others as you would like to be treated?  When dealing with others do you try to understand where they are coming from and what problems they may be facing?  Be courteous!
Another one of my courtesy "pet peeves" is Thank You notes.  For some unknown reason people have forgotten how to use them.  When people are kind enough to give you a gift;  Christmas, birthday, graduation, whatever - send a thank you note!  It takes 2 minutes.  If you are invited to a party, a shower, a wedding, etc. - RSVP.          Being courteous is contagious.         Try it.

Communication -  Seriously, clear communicate helps life go so much smoother.  Say what you mean and do what you say you'll do.  Talk.  However  - "Knowledge knows what to say, but wisdom knows what not to say."    Know fact from gossip.    If you feel someone is gossiping to you, ask the person, "May I quote you on this?" You'll be surprised how this will shut down the false tales.

Consistency - con·sis·ten·cy
 [ kÉ™n sístÉ™nssee ]   
  1. constancy: the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation
  2. coherence: reasonable or logical harmony between parts
  3. degree of thickness or smoothness: the degree of thickness or smoothness of a mixture
Synonyms: constancy, steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability, regularity, dependability
Never let yourself become complacent!
Everyday when you awaken, make it a mental challenge to be consistent.  Develop a personality in which your actions - and your reactions remain consistent.  As people approach you, do you really want them thinking, " wonder what type of mood you'll be in today?"

Compete -  When it comes to life, be like a golfer... "you can only hit the shot that's in front of you."
Great competitors are always looking for ways to win.  If you are not a competitor then most likely you
are the opposite.....a complainer.   Stop complaining and compete.  You can't control everything in life and complaining does not change a situation.  Stop whining! 
 Become a winner!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If I Be Lifted Up

I love those nights when God awakens me so that I may communicate with Him in a special way.  Last night was one of those uplifting occasions.  His words to me were....

"If "I" be "lifted" "up" - "I" "will" draw all men unto me."  

These words are not unusual or foreign to a Christian believer but God spoke these words over and over to me and I felt compelled to repeat them over and over within my spirit.  It seemed that God was emphasizing each and every word - wanting me to understand their meaning and purpose.   
Today it is my desire to expound upon my experience last evening and share what I feel God was trying to communicate with me.

 Let's start with some definitions (Merriam-Webster dictionary)......
Lifted - (verb) "to raise from a lower to a higher position (elevate)"
                       "to raise in rank or condition"
                       "to take out of normal setting"

Up -  "in or into a higher position"
         "in or into a greater state of intensity or excitement"
         "in a direction conventionally opposite of down"

One of my irritants or frustrations of life is "me" people......people who think and act like the world should and does revolve around them.  It's all about "me"....what about "me", etc.
Everyone knows someone with a "all about me" personality.  Those that I am acquainted with have been on my mind of late and God knows the extent to which it bothers me; particularly when an individual claims to be a follower of Christ and is supposed to be living a life of good example.  Last night in particular, hours earlier, I had asked for wisdom and strength; help to relinquish this person(s) over to God.  Life is too short for dealing with negative and selfish people!


In answering my prayers, God confirmed that indeed "He" is what life is all about.  
"He" is helping me understand that my life must focus completely on this..... that as I "lift" Him "up"- "He" will bring/draw others to Him.  Forget about the "me" people.  They are accountable for their words and actions.....(.as we all are).

 Our words, our actions are to elevate Jesus Christ and His love for us.  

I can not adequately describe the LOVE of God.  It is something that must be experienced.  Also, God's LOVE must be shared with others - in action.  For this to be accomplished "me" must get out of the way - and God be raised into a higher position.  When Christ is lifted up - "He" "will" draw all men unto Him.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Every Day - Make A Difference

Every year we have 525,600 minutes to "Make A Difference."  


Does that sound like a lot of time?  It really isn't.  Time seems to be flying by and it appears that more people waste or misuse these valuable minutes.  Are you using your time as wisely as possible?  

There are little things that everyone can do every single day - 60 minutes per hour - that will make a huge impact on our world and those people with whom we come in contact with.

I will list a few of my favorite, but please take a few minutes and add some ideas of your own.  Then, strive to use your time more effectively.  

#1 - Volunteer.  Your help is needed.  Contact The Red Cross, a nearby animal shelter, your local church, nursing homes, etc.  The list of facilities and available opportunities are endless.

#2 - Go Green.  It's important to acknowledge Earth Day, but treat our earth kindly every day....after all - it is the only one we have. Stop wasting space in our landfills!  Recycle and re-use every chance you have.  Use glass, stainless steel or aluminum instead of plastic for your beverages.

#3 - Think and Speak - Positive.  How you think ultimately reflects in your speech.  These words have a direct influence and "Make A Difference" whether they be Positive - or negative.  Learn and practice a Positive way of living.


#4 - Engage yourself and encourage others on a journey to Health and Wellness.  We must take care of ourselves by eating correctly, taking supplements and drinking plenty of water.  Develop good habits and enjoy a hobby.  Gardening or walking are good starters.  

#5 - Keep America Beautiful.  Help Clean Up!  When you are in a parking lot at Walmart, when you're at the beach, out walking the dog - whatever the situation is.......if you see some trash - PICK IT UP.   

We ALL can Make A Difference - Every Day!